Professionals / Training

There are a number of drug and alcohol services available in East and Midlothian, some commissioned by MELDAP. The services are provided by a range of statutory and 3rd sector agencies.


The Gateway to Recovery Clinics have been running since 2012 and were set up to help provide faster access to services for clients.


The Gateway to Recovery Clinics operate a drop-in service where clients can “walk in”. Clients can also be referred to services directly to services by phone the service(s).


All services and how to refer can be found in the MELDAP service directory.


There are many documents out there for professionals, below are documents that MELDAP recommend reading, along with links to good websites.




Alcohol Change UK

This site covers all aspects of the Alcohol Education and Research Councils activities especially funding alcohol research and development projects as well as providing small grants and studentships to individuals working in the alcohol field.

Drug and Alcohol Findings

Drugs and Alcohol Findings bridges the divide between research on effectiveness of responses to drug and alcohol problems and the practitioners who provide these interventions, with focus on UK relevant research.

The National Institute of Drug Abuse

The National Institute of Drug Abuse is an American site which provides an extensive range of information and publications for professionals, recovery, addictions and counselling.

UK Drug Policy Commission

The UK Drug Policy Commission (UKDPC) is an independent body providing objective analysis of UK policy. It aims to improve political, media and public understanding of drug policy issues and the options for achieving a rational and effective (evidence led) response to problems caused by illegal drugs.

Scottish Recovery Consortium

The Scottish Recovery Consortium (SRC) is an independent charity established to drive and promote recovery for individuals, family members and communities affected by drugs across Scotland.

Scottish Drugs Forum

Scottish Drugs Forum (SDF) is Scotland’s national resource of expertise on drugs and related issues. SDF works to improve Scotland’s response to problem drug use. In doing this we work with people who use or have used services, service staff and managers, service planners and commissioners and people developing policy, including elected members of local and national government.

Alcohol Focus Scotland

Alcohol Focus Scotland want to reduce the impact of alcohol on individuals, families, communities and Scotland as a whole, through the implementation of effective alcohol control policies and legislation.


MELDAP do not provide training directly, however there are organisations that provide training and staff development.

Harm Reduction Team

HRT provide a programme of training Lothian wide for workers working in the substance misuse field.

Crew 2000

Crew can help your team build their understanding of drugs and related issues to reduce harm more effectively.

Scottish Drugs Forum

SDF delivers general and specialist training on drug-related issues for a range of agencies and through a number of approaches.

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MELDAP, The Esk Centre,          Musselburgh EH21 6AB


MON-FRI: 9am - 5pm
SAT-SUN: Closed

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0131 653 5162

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Substance Use: It’s Everyone’s Responsibility

Substance Use: It’s Everyone’s Responsibility