News, Events & Announcements
Here is an excellent video by our MELD peer worker team in East Lothian.
They have very kindly shared their experiences with us and we would encourage people affected by their own or others drug and alcohol use to watch this video.
Our colleagues share their messages of hope and recovery to encourage others in their recovery journey. This is a truly inspirational video!
Introducing Flash
A safe space for women supported by female workers from Substance Misuse Service and MELD.
New MELDAP Website
MELDAP are proud to announce the launch of our new website. It has been updated to provide useful information to facilitate our primary goal of...
Professional Help Now Online
MELDAP are committed to Professional and Workforce Development across Midlothian and East Lothian and are working with partnership organisations to...
We're Here To Help!
MELDAP, The Esk Centre, Musselburgh EH21 6AB
MON-FRI: 9am - 5pm
SAT-SUN: Closed
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0131 653 5162
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Substance Use: It’s Everyone’s Responsibility
Substance Use: It’s Everyone’s Responsibility